Alecto - Smartcoa10 Smart Kuliltedetektor only Kr. 419,00
Alecto - Smartcoa10 Smart Kuliltedetektor

Alecto - Smartcoa10 Smart Kuliltedetektor

Kr. 419,00
Expires Saturday 1st March at 23:59

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Product Information

With alecto smartcoa10 keeps you eye with concentration of carbon monoxide in your home. This durable carbon monoxide alarm beats alarm in case of kulilteudvikling.On because of what little design can you place carbon monoxide alarm where as anywhere. What is easy to install past, the laws works by smart life app as well as tuya app. On this made receiver you always one push notification, fool alarm going, himself fool you not is home. What works also independently. If detector not is signed in on app or not have someone connection, going alarm still. It have one volume on 85 db in one distance of 3 meter .Alecto smartcoa10 is attached to it free tuya past, the laws smart life app, as can downloadable to both ios and android devices. Avenue alecto smart life products can managed in this app. Lining example can alecto smartcoa10 used in hjemmeautomatiseringsscenarier. This gives you lining example opportunity lining to set lights to to flash, fool alarm starts, sa you can be sure on, to avenue is warned.
Brand: Alecto
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