This dehumidifier seedli the accumulation of dirts can pull up to 10 liter* moisture out of air per. Day. Therefore is what it best made to prevent mold, moisture past, the laws mold in your home. One relative humidity on 50-70 % recommended to living. There is situations, where humidity is higher or lower, such as basements, bathrooms or rooms, there is poorly insulated. Ventilation, dehumidifier works as blower past, the laws creates one wonderful brisé without to dehumidify air.Equipment with two speed settings, there creates it perfect air flow to each setting. Fool water tank is full, gives dehumidifier message past, the laws keeps break with affugtningsprocessen, till water tank is emptied. What is also possible to drain dehumidifier permanent with it included drain hose.Settings timer to automatic to off lining dehumidifier after what set time medium 1 past, the laws 24 hours.Based on one ambient temperature on 30 c past, the laws one relative humidity on 80 %. It actual dehumidification depends of it actual temperature past, the laws humidity.
Brand: Nedis