Comfortable opening past, the laws closure of doors with remote. You can open your doors on distance, past, the laws what is not further necessary to lead after door lock
Indispensable in powerful rain past, the laws dark. You finds easy car in parking house, fool you looks flashing lights bright up fas with additional source . Supports existing comfort closures rudehejs or electrical sunroof , can adapted positive or negative. Separate management of tailgate, if this desired. To vehicles with existing original cl, whatever about what is electrical, plus - or minusstyret, pneumatically or to management of driver's doors engine not included, jom 7103-1 2 x folding key with seat to transponder included unground mønsternøgle plug to mini siren not included . Teacher easy signals to past, the laws seedli andré handheld transmitters. There fas many compatible, handheld transmitters with differently design. Can easy extended with jom coming home module 7120. Properties:
Contents: 1 set including. 2 Foldenøgler with seat to transponders
Brand: JOM
Shipping Cost: 0,00 kr.