B.La. To mini bmw
Test mark 190: checkmærke: e1 90r-02a0258 0276, controls goals, number of boltsscrews 1535: number screws: 4, width mm : 131,3: mm, height 1 mm : 53,2: mm, tillægsartikel further info. 2: With bremsecaliperskruer, braking: lucas trw, wear indicator switch: prepared to wear indicator, wear indicator switch: excluding. Slidadvarselskontakt, thickness mm : 17,6: mm, height 2 mm : 65,3: mm, tillægsartikel further info.: With accessories, mapp code available, what recommended accessory part no.: 24.8190-0983.2:, Quantity: 1 match to one set 4 brake pads to left past, the laws right .
Brand: ATE
Shipping Cost: 0,00 kr.