Port west fp18 port west plus 3 point fall protection harness this universal fall protection harness protects meet avenue drop past, the laws gives universal protection in one. Features includes two bryststroppe, two d-rings in ago. Adjustable dorsal d-ring, two sit straps past, the laws two make back rings. Fully adjustable shoulder, back past, the laws seat padding lining additional comfort. Features: ce certified materials: wash info: purchase port west fp18 with fisto d-ring plus 3 point fall protection harness port west seedli mark port west. This helmet have one thorough design, is ce certified, adjustable past, the laws is much comfortable. See video demo. 3 Point fall protection harness, there protects meet avenue drop past, the laws gives universal protection in one. Adjustable dorsal d-ring, two sit straps past, the laws two make back rings. Fully adjustable shoulder, back past, the laws seat padding lining additional comfort. Ce certification. Is you worried lining, whether your bicycle or running jacket can protect you meet any faldsider sa is there one because to to invest in this 3 point edition of port west plus. It have avenue dè features, as newer bikes past, the laws running jackets coming with. Port west fp18 port west plus 3 point fall protection harness port west plus 3 point fall protection harness fp18 is one bilersikkerhedselement, as is ce certified. This sikringssel have one height protection to to protect meet avenue types of damage in connectio...
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 0,00 kr.