Port west a128 pu dipped latex-free glove retail package 13 gauge polyester past, the laws latex-free elastic glove with pu coating. With his latex-free composition is these gloves it right solution to them, there is allergic över lining latex or have sensitive skin. Perfect to tasks, where dexterity past, the laws breathability is crucial. Retail packaged, one couple per. Package bag. Features: 100% latex free smooth pu coating lining increased wear resistance knitted gauge 13 lining dexterity breathable seamless lining perfect lining demanding tasks retail tag lining presentation maximum sensing inner hand dipped lining better sensing past, the laws ventilation superb wear past, the laws tear ansi skærefasthed level a1 ce certified ukca mark materials: latex free elastane, pu
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.