Port west ep07 traceable tpr headed earplug , 50 couple sporrbare past, the laws reusable earplugs in tpr thermoplastic rubber material. It sporingsbare function is manufactured by one advanced technique by to add metalskærning to tpr submission under injektionsprocessen without to had to add metaldetekterbar bullet. Recommended to use in food. Each couple coming in in one hygienically polybag with installation instructions. Features: can used in food industry traceable with string lining sure handling one couple per. Polybag to hygienically storage delivered in one practical notebook dispenser box retail box lining additional advertising packed to use in machines this product sold in couple this product sold in inside boxes boxes materials: tpr, pvc wash info: purchase port west ep07 with fisto
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.