Port west ep20 earplug dispenser dispenser with ep02 earplugs. One easy turn on dispenser gives one set foam earplugs. It can used on horizontal surface or hung on wall. Delivered incl 500par ep02 earplugs. Features: plastic dispenser with 500 couple earplugs included can wall mounted to sure storage easy to use handwheels to dispensing of earplugs can steel on regularly surfaces materials: wash info: purchase port west ep20 with fisto port west dispenser is designed to to take themselves of avenue your earplugs without difficulty. Dispenser with ep02 earplugs maintained past, the laws can used över one far larger interval than andré emballeringsløsninger. It useful design makes it easy to move around on, which gives one great potential lining use in many different arkitekturer. Print past, the laws put on earplugs quite without buoys. This plastic dispenser with 500 couple earplugs included pe is easy to use, robust in force of one hard surface, easy to wash. With port west earplug dispenser ep20 have children one easy past, the laws sure made to get their earplugs. What easy turned on dispenser gives one set foam earplugs one lining each skudlængde, fool you pressing on it. It can used on horizontal surface or hung on wall, past, the laws what included 500 couple ep02 earplugs is included in product. Practical øreproppepose with easy turn. This bag dispensed with one easy turn past, the laws supplies 500 couple ep02 earplugs, there can drained on horizontal surface ...
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 0,00 kr.