Port west fp12 port west 2 point fall protection harness lightweight harness with one sliding dorsal d-ring. Have two brystloops past, the laws two buckles, there is easy to use. Adjustable quick release chest strap. Made of polyester webbing. Features: ce certified materials: wash info: purchase port west fp12 with fisto port west 2 point fall protection harness fp12 is one lightweight harness, there have sliding dorsal d-ring. Selelementet is equipment with two brystloops, as can translated up on it lining to create larger stability under one fall. Height protection d-ring failure fall protection harness to children this lightweight harness seedli port west is designed to waterfall past, the laws seaview. What have sliding dorsal d-ring, there makes what easy to use. Port west fp12 port west 2 point fall protection harness with port west burns we lining our products. Therefore offers we one wide selection of this lightweight harness is designed to to be sure past, the laws pleasant to wear, while with not to damage environment. It is developed with view on to could set to height protection, lining example lining user himself.
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.