Fang more fish
One guide to angler
It danish nature offers on one wealth of exciting options with fishing rod. But lining it startups angler can dè many species past, the laws - techniques unfortunately act complicated past, the laws incalculable. There is large difference on methods to to catch trout in put & take lake, pike in bog or cod seedli tour boat.
Fang more fish is therefore one helping hand to it new angler, or to you there only have bright to to learn yet more about anglings many options. Wizard on well 100 pages makes you smarter on what basic equipment past, the laws dè basic techniques to dè most general species in denmark. Simultaneously father you good advice past, the laws tips about everything seedli clothing to use of mobile phone on fishing trip.
Fang more fish gives you also insight in what great job, there done lining to preserve past, the laws increase denmark fish stocks. Everywhere in landed worker angling associations lining one rich nature with more wild fish, past, the laws what estimated, to volunteers anglers contribute with about 60.000 Working hours each year.
Fang more fish is released of denmark sport fishing federation in cooperation country tackle shops. Release is supported of dè leading, danish fiskegrejsproducenter past, the laws - wholesalers.
With fang more fish wizard in hand teacher you quickly to catch more fish.
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