Pike secrets 1 spin fishing
Gordon p. Henriksen asks in beginning of movie, why one bowl fish after pike. Answer is obvious fool we takes with on one series challenging past, the laws exciting fishing trips.
We looks different methods, past, the laws teacher one lot new fool gordon says about fishing with great spinners past, the laws small jerkbaits, while mockery prisoners fish.
In sweden is gordon together with geddeeksperten stefan trumman trumstedt as shows its fishing techniques fool there fished with jerkbait past, the laws mockery shows also how one prisoners dè great pike.
We looks how avenue agnene going in water fool dè fished right, past, the laws with undervandskameraer reveals we quite new secrets about pike behavior, as we geddefiskere can one learn one whole part of.
What is one great movie, there both gives us intense fishing experiences past, the laws lots of instructive tips.
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