Releasefly Connector - John Bursell only Kr. 14,50
Releasefly Connector - John Bursell

Releasefly Connector - John Bursell

Kr. 14,50
Kr. 39,00
Expires Thursday 13th March at 23:59

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Product Information

To flies bronze
Releasefly connector
John bursell
To flies
Dè new connectors
As can used on both fly past, the laws bombardastang
Raises landingraten 80-100 % on standard saltwater flies str 8-4, decreases size on krogsårene with 300-600 %
Past, the laws allows afkrogning 100 % under water. What takes get seconds to modify fly
Past, the laws one bowl only tie one owner st 36 bc x str. 14, Click it up in connector
Past, the laws sa otherwise fish loose.
5 Paragraph in one bag.
See video including, there shows john you how you bowl do
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.
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