Enjoy one celebration experience with this beautiful set with hot chocolate seedli santa s hot chocolate cafe. This multicolored set is perfect to christmas past, the laws contains everything, what you bowl use lining to create one cozy experience with hot chocolate. It charming packing have festive motives, which makes what to one ideal gift to them, you keeps of, or one special morsel to you himself. Inside finds you one mellow mixture of hot chocolate, soft marshmallows past, the laws chocolate drops to one decadent beverage. Kit is perfect to to heat themselves on cold winter evenings past, the laws to to give christmas cosiness one additional zing. Note, to this product can contain track of wheat, barley, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, macadamia nuts past, the laws eggs.
We seller not food to germany past, the laws norway. Avenue ingredients can available below.
Brand: Flying Tiger Copenhagen