Zahra wellness located on heimdalsvej by aabyhoej. Clinic located in quiet surroundings past, the laws good parking. Where there is seat to wellness past, the laws cosiness with style. There offered many forms lining massage, facial, øjenvippeforlængelse, hair removal, nail treatment, manicure past, the laws pedicure, make-up past, the laws d-tox spa, sauna, whirlpool past, the laws permanent make-up. Pampering you himself or surprises one you keeps of with one treatment with zahra wellness. Treatments is suitable to women past, the laws men. This activity include : classic-ansigsbehandling, back massage, pedicure, manicure paraffin past, the laws staining of lashes past, the laws brows including direction of brows seedli there served tea coffee chocolate water. Treatment takes about. 2,5 Hour note please : switch zahra wellness lining to book your experience. Information id number past, the laws redemption fool you book. Remember to bring your gift card, when what apply as payment lining experience.