There is one yndigt country... Some times bowl one straight remember about, to denmark actually is one really lovely place, with one quite through great nature. B&b holme-olstrup makes what easy lining you, to come to to enjoy it danish nature on south zealand. Here father in two nights in double room with own boat, 2 times expanded breakfast past, the laws frokostpakker, sa in not bowl thinking on another than to choose which route in will hike in day. Possibly. Transport to past, the laws seedli walking tours is there also catered lining, sa what is just on with the boots past, the laws leave. There is five different scenic tours to choose between, sa there is a little lining any taste. Visit holmegaard bog, as is one of dè much get raised bogs in denmark. This place is certainly one visit worth throughout year around. Tag on discovery in herlufsholm forest, here can in experience one diverse wildlife. Past, the laws underway coming in past both herlufsholm boarding school past, the laws herlufsholm church, where in can visit school founders birgitte gøye past, the laws herlof trolls, there both located in church. In hesede forest is there more different exciting options. Here can in visit villa grallina there originally vår one eatery, but as now is one historical restaurant. You can also choose to visit svenskekløften djævlekløften, what said to what vår here swedes saved themselves lining gøngehøvdingen under war in 1660. Is you more to action past, the laws adventur...