Ultimate golf training with because pro. This is it ultimate day lining avenue, there wishes one optimally starting point lining golf game. You father 8 hours training past, the laws education with one because pro golfcoach, there through latest training, video past, the laws coaching gives you dè best tools to to optimize your game
What either you is beginner or have been golfer in many year. Your because pro will day through make analyzes on your game past, the laws coach you, past, the laws you will experience, how himself small changes or approaches can have one large effect on your golf game. Your stroke will bl.A. Be filmed, sa we by one video analysis can go in past, the laws see on technique past, the laws details in your bend. This is your day, past, the laws you can choose what focus area there bowl work on. Day becomes closed with 9 holes on golf course, where what is course management. Program lining day: 09.00: Breakfast past, the laws talk about today course 09.30: Video analysis past, the laws dialogue about focus points 12.30: Lunch 13.00: Training continues 14.00: Game on 9 hole bow with because pro 16.30: Evaluation past, the laws rounding of day education is exclusive, past, the laws there is only focus on you. There is however, also opportunity lining by one less additional charge to parts this ultimate golf training with one friend or mask your spouse. Perfect gift card to birthday gift, christmas, father fair gift, morse fair gift lining avenue, the...