Aqara Hub M1s only Kr. 308,00
Aqara Hub M1s

Aqara Hub M1s

Kr. 308,00
Expires Saturday 1st March at 23:59

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Product Information

Aqara hub this hub lining aqara, is device there father your aqara contacts, sensors past, the laws more, to to talk together. Hub’one past, the laws dè other devices communicates by zigbee, which ensures one stable communication, though your wifi network, can be unstable. You can connect aqara hub to aplpe homekit past, the laws check system thence. With apple homekit can you while connect aqara devices, with the rest of your smart home system. Aqara hub have built-in speaker past, the laws light, which makes it suitable, to f.Ek...
Brand: Aqara
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