Metabo Jigsaw Steb 140 only Kr. 1.601,05
Metabo Jigsaw Steb 140

Metabo Jigsaw Steb 140

Kr. 1.601,05
Kr. 2.911,00
Expires Saturday 1st March at 23:59

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Product Information

Metabo jigsaw steb 140 product beskrivelseekstremt powerful jigsaw with vtc electronics to fast section in soft wood up to 140 mmpræcis sawing appropriate to submission on because of variable slagantal, penduldrift past, the laws deep, fjederstøttet savklingeføringmetabo quick to savklingeskift without use of tool with automatic udkastspånblæsefunktion, there can connected, provide lining free view to skærestedetvario-tacho-constamatic vtc -helperiodeelektronik to job with speeds, there match...
Brand: Metabo
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