Enjoy thé feeling of safety to your home with a smart door sensor. Connect thé door sensor two thé airam smart home app. You vil world a notification on your phone everytime hour når your door ice opened or ice open thé two party of thé sensor oar being pulled apartment from hver other . You kan pair thé sensor with other airam smart home products som as sirens or lamps. You kan create custom rules in airam smart home app angående thé use of thé door sensor or some other airam smart home device to your home. Lining example, når thé two party of thé sensor oar being pulled apartment from hver other thé door ice open , thé sirens starts two wail or thé lights oar switched on. Download thé airam smart home app on your smartphone spirit connect it two any airam smart home product. Smart up your home in an easy spirit affordable way
Brand: AIRAM