Discover it transformative force of la saved rose quartz yoni egg seen, created of it beautiful rose quartz, known as heart past, the laws love stone. This gemstone is famous lining his ability to to open heart chakra, which makes what possible to give past, the laws receive love with larger ease. Rose quartz have one gentle past, the laws calming effect, there promotes empathy, openness past, the laws helpfulness. Flexible applications: berries as one beautiful pendant around about throat. Use directly on skin lining one closer connection. Paste in vagina lining to train pelvic floor muscles. Kit include three different sizes lining gradually past, the laws effective training, which can help meet undesirable incontinence past, the laws one weakened cervix. Stronger pelvic floor muscles can also lead to more intense orgasms. Sizes: p
3X2,5 cm m
4X3 cm l
5X3,5 cm these yoni eggs is 100% natural past, the laws free lining chemical additives. Över time can there arise small cracks or irregularities, which is quite usually. Treat eggs with caution past, the laws avoid to lose weight them. Important: if egg used vaginally, bowl you check what lining damage each time before use.