Brio 31351 - Lære-gå-vogn only Kr. 329,95
Brio 31351 - Lære-gå-vogn

Brio 31351 - Lære-gå-vogn

Kr. 329,95
Expires Sunday 9th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Seedli 9 months.
This brio baby walker can transport toy past, the laws teddies, around in throughout house. Trailer is performed in wood with one handle of metal past, the laws trailer have wheel, there reduces noise level on hardwood floors lining example. Go trailer have adjustable brake as activated by to screw on one of screws by wheels.
Brio gåvognen match to children there is on road to to learn to go. Brio recommends gåvognen to children seedli 9 months past, the laws upwards.
Brand: brio
Material: metal, rubber past, the laws wood.
Goals: 48,3 x 32 x 48 cm.
Age: recommended seedli 9 months.
Number: 1 paragraph. Review
We is quite crazy with brio past, the laws we will to each one time future check their selection, fool william missing toy. William have large pleasure of toy seedli them past, the laws we is enough more than impressed över their baby walker, when it not need tongue things in checkout, lining not it whiz leave with him. It is designed past, the laws made, sa mockery stable, confidently past, the laws safe can go around. General is we just happy past, the laws we can simply only rose quality past, the laws functionality in their toy. One fight recommendation seedli us. We know in each drop some children, as bowl have joy of toy after us, what can not seen, to what is playing with past, the laws sa is what the one pleasure, to send further to andré - billion, reviewer lining legebyen.Com
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Brand: Brio
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