5 Rings
Seedli 6 months
With stacking tower is there play opportunities already seedli child is quite little. Himself dè quite small seems to rings have great colors past, the laws is fun to looking on, past, the laws later fool child becomes a little larger can what himself stack tower past, the laws snuggle rings top each other.
Elephant stacking tower seedli scandinavian baby products. Stacking tower coming in fine past, the laws eye catching colors, there prisoners child attention.
Each time child places one ring, says product one affirmative sound. To eventually placed elephant, then stacking tower says as one glad elephant. Review
Scandinavian baby products goals is, to their toy bowl give opportunity lining play, learning past, the laws while support children in their development. We have 3 great children past, the laws we would clear desire, to we had had sa fun past, the laws robust toy, when dè vår small also. We is much surprised past, the laws william is one lucky potato, when mockery have opportunity lining, to play with sa beautiful quality toys. We must say, to tingling över in a is their interactive activity box with sa many features. It have been past, the laws is one fight hit both lining great past, the laws small - billion, reviewer lining legebyen.Com
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Brand: scandinavian baby products
Material: plastic
Goals: 23 x 14 x ...
Brand: Scandinavian Baby Products