Frøspil In Bucket Vikings Toys - 16 Frogs. only Kr. 40,00
Frøspil In Bucket Vikings Toys - 16 Frogs.

Frøspil In Bucket Vikings Toys - 16 Frogs.

Kr. 40,00
Expires Friday 31st January at 23:59

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Product Information

One fun game lining children family
Both frogs past, the laws storage bucket is manufactured in plastic of swedish vikings toys. What fun game forces child fine motor skills past, the laws coordination. Vikings toys toy is safe, soft, strong, single past, the laws put.
Nb: avenue products seedli vikings toys can cleaned in dishwasher
Such play in
Spillevariant 1: who father first avenue its frogs down in bucket
Spillevariant 2: compete side about side past, the laws see, who there coming soon forward
Brand: vikings toys
Material: plastic.
Lining: 1- 4 players.
Playing: 10 mine.
Bucket painter: island 15 x h 10,5 cm.
Age: recommended seedli 3 year.
Number: 1 frøspil in bucket with 16 frogs.
Villads is lining first time been presented lining what classical frøspil. I think, to avenue know frøspillet, i played what himself as child past, the laws now is what my children trip. Frøspillet is one simple past, the laws cozy game lining throughout family. Though game is incredible simple, sa is what with to, to strength hand-eye-coordination past, the laws dè fine motor skills. Fool we play frøspillet, sa withstands we about number, colors past, the laws about what one seed is past, the laws where it possibly can seen in nature. Besides our good talk, sa trades frøspillet also about patience past, the laws sieve, lining to could get it correct speed on frog past, the laws thereby get it down in bucket. One really fine past, the laws fun game, as creates muc...
Brand: Vikingtoys
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