Thé Heart Talks Samtalekort - 115 Issues only Kr. 189,95
Thé Heart Talks Samtalekort - 115 Issues

Thé Heart Talks Samtalekort - 115 Issues

Kr. 189,95
Kr. 199,95
Expires Friday 14th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Seedli 13 year.
Thé heart talks consists of 115 issues about values, attitudes, existence past, the laws relationships medium people.
Game is challenging. Rules is simple. Past, the laws game is designed in denmark.
Nb: book also thé dark talks on vnr. 200791
Thé heart talks past, the laws thé dark talks is overall past, the laws packed in western prison of inmates, there worker with production lining to strength their skills past, the laws opportunity lining to live one generally life in careers after ended imprisonment. Manufacturing company have been one large part of employment in prisons past, the laws jailhouses in more than 100 year. Work gives dè inmates one practical past, the laws realistic everyday, as keeps them employees past, the laws prepares them to life on it other side.
Brand: thé talks
Material: paper.
Players: lining 2 or more.
Playing: sa long in have bright
Age: registered seedli 13 year.
Number: 1 game in box, with 115 issues.
Game review
Besides to what is one ultra delicious design, there is selected to boxes past, the laws cards, sa is the questions also just really thoughtful. Dè kickstarter some super good conversations, father one to to thinking in lanes, there usually not located straight to lob past, the laws creates background lining to examine his innermost.
- Camilla, reviewer lining legebyen.Com
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