Sans ball dot is 2-farvet past, the laws quite unique, with great yellow past, the laws purple shade. Ball developer feel the senses past, the laws gross motor skills past, the laws can used to massage ball, f.Example. To pilates, rolled leave, crawling after past, the laws krammes with. Dè original sensory balls seedli edushape is it highest quality sans ball on market. Edushape invented world first sans ball in 1997 past, the laws have ago launched över 20 different variants, of it original classical sans ball, with different colors, textures past, the laws forms. Worth to know:
If there is one universally børneudviklingslegetøj, is what these balls ball developer: senses through textures past, the laws colors, fine motor skills through different sizes, past, the laws gross motor skills through their ability to to jump past, the laws get babies to to move themselves around. Avenue sensory balls is free lining b on, latex past, the laws phthalates. The balls spikes have one other color than base. This gives additional visual sansemæssig stimulation. Ball is about. Island:18 cm. Past, the laws delivered without air.
Brand: edushape
Material: rubber
Goals: island:18 cm.
Colors: yellow & purple
Age: recommended seedli 6 months
Number: 1 paragraph.
Brand: EduShape