Dice Pops Cube Pops - 2 Paragraph only Kr. 129,95
Dice Pops Cube Pops - 2 Paragraph

Dice Pops Cube Pops - 2 Paragraph

Kr. 129,95
Expires Friday 7th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Learning resources
Seedli 3 year.
Here father in one set with 2 cube poppere. Cube popperne can used to different game past, the laws to small mathematics problems.
Fool dice put in in popperen, sa overturns dè not things on table past, the laws dè falls not down on floor. You bowl only press top, sa jumps past, the laws dancer dice around, inside container.
Worth to know
Cube popperne can also used to to train simple small mathematical tasks. Put cubes inside past, the laws pressure on top past, the laws sa can you either practice you on plus, minus, times or division.
Have you cubes with mathematical characters, sa can you the let chance choose.
Nb: manual is on english however, gives use of cube popperen almost themselves himself
Brand: learning resources
Material: plastic
Goals: island:8,5 x h:5 cm.
Age: recommended seedli 3 year.
Number: 1 set with 2 paragraph.
One perfect set to families with children, as like will avoid, to dice länder on floor again past, the laws again. Home ends dice on floor one countless of times fool we play past, the laws i is tired of, to much of time going with, to crawl around on floor or under couch after dice. This set is therefore one rescue lining us past, the laws now can we play div game without, to be upset of, to dice disappear. Kit is really fine, because there is two different poppere. One with one cube past, the laws one with two cubes. What is perfect past, the laws dè will also do our pakkespilslege ea...
Brand: Learning Resources
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