Hour Hours 8 Visually Ur - 3 Paragraph only Kr. 999,95
Hour Hours 8 Visually Ur - 3 Paragraph

Hour Hours 8 Visually Ur - 3 Paragraph

Kr. 999,95
Expires Saturday 1st March at 23:59

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Product Information

Red yellow blue
Hour hours set in primary colors with 3 paragraph. Visual hours watches in size 19 x 19 cm past, the laws in each his color red , yellow past, the laws blue .
This set is popular of teachers world över, as worker with learning about colors, color coded learning past, the laws management of time in education. Especially lining children with special needs can these hours watches, in great colors be one large help in education.
Caution: each watch user 2 x aa 1.5 V batteries not included
Nb: purchase also kit with green, orange, past, the laws light blue hour hours.
Worth to know
As something quite new have watch have also received seat to one whiteboard - plastic-short, as can translated in top of watch. Here can one write small posts or tasks as focus bowl held on. User one one sletbar whiteboard markers sa can tasks past, the laws posts changed, crossed of, or deleted again. Map can possibly replaced with one or more of hour hours pictograms .
By help of timetimer watch, is what possible to visualizing time on one foreseeable made. One hour hours is one countdown timer, there visually shows, where much time there is back. Hour timer is one effectively tool to to visualizing past, the laws thus learn, where long time there is gone, past, the laws where long time there is back.
Brand: hour hours
Material: plastic
Colors: red, yellow, blue
Goals: 19 x 19 cm. 8
Number: 1 set with 3 hours watches
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Timetimer learningcenterclassro...
Brand: Time Timer
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