This hjørnesæde to bed in rattan combines style past, the laws functionality past, the laws is designed to outdoor use year around. What left hjørnesæde past, the laws what right hjørnesæde together can used as one 2-personers bed. This hjørnesædemodul to one bed is easy to clean, hardwearing past, the laws suitable to daily use thanks be what weatherproof past, the laws waterproof poly. Seat have one robust, powder coated steel frame, as is extremely durably. What is also easy in weight past, the laws modular, which makes what quite flexible past, the laws easy to move around, sa what match to any decor. Dè thick, demountable cushions is extremely comfortable. You can combining what with andré midtersæder past, the laws footstools, there can available in dropdown, past, the laws make your personal havesofakonfigurationer package contains 1 right hjørnesæde , 1 left hjørnesæde , 2 seat cushions past, the laws 4 bolsters. Note: we recommends to cover seats in rain, snow past, the laws frost.Color: black cream white goals: 70 x 70 x 54 cm l x b x h material: poly powder coated stålstelhyndemateriale: 100 % polyestertykkelse, cushion: 6 cmkan established in different configurations lining to fit to your needs past, the laws it available seat package contains:1 x right hjørnesæde1 x left hjørnesæde2 x sædehynde4 x back cushion
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.