This gummikorkrulle will be one ideal floor insulation, as preserves his insulation value in decades past, the laws have one long life. Practical floor insulation: korkrullen is one ideal floor insulation on because of its high elasticity past, the laws protracted trykstabilitet. Its flexibility makes it easy pliable in curves past, the laws corners.Soundproofing cork: gulvunderlaget is soundproofing past, the laws remove reverberation in space. The thicker korkvæggen is, the more sound becomes blocked.Insulation: isolationsunderlaget prevents needless heat loss past, the laws gives one hot past, the laws comfortable feeling in space.Easy maintenance: what is also possible to remove easy dirt past, the laws dust on korktapetet with one easy moist cloth or one soft sponge.Color: brunmateriale: gummikorkmål: 100 x 200 cm l x b thickness: 2 mmlyddæmpende past, the laws remove efterklangvarmeisolerendelet to clean with one moist cloth
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.