This polypropylene rope in high quality is ideally to general use around about in home, in garden past, the laws on workshop. This rope in 100 % polypropylene flowing past, the laws absorb almost nothing water. This powerful past, the laws durable rope is hardwearing, weatherproof past, the laws easy to handle. Note please: this rope is not suitable to climbing, to to promise goods read or to use as one swing as part of one swing.Color: blåmateriale: polypropylentykkelse: 12 mmlængde: 100 mvandabsorption: 0 %can float vejrbestandigslidstærkrebsvægt: 50 g mbemærk: not suitable to climbing, to to promise goods read or to use as one swing part of one swing
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.