This set of udskiftningsklude seedli leifheit consists of two rags to cleantenso steamer. Mikrofibergulvkludene remove dirt past, the laws bacteria by to dissolve them with hot steam seedli steamer. Dampmoppekludene attached with velcro, sa dè easy past, the laws quickly can translated fixed past, the laws out of again. Dè can machine washable on 60 c.Color: grønmateriale: stofmål: 39 x 18 x 1,8 cm l x b x t set with 2 mikrofiberkludeegnet to cleantenso steamer seedli leifheitudskiftelige past, the laws maskinvaskbare on 60 cstof: polyamide: 10%, polyester: 90%
Brand: Leifheit
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.