With this leifheit gulvvaskersæt is what possible to do interest without to get wet hands or bucks themselves down. You bowl only remove moppehovedet seedli shaft with foothills past, the laws place what in vrideindsatsen, as you can operate without difficulty with your footing. Moppehovedet have one countless of fine brush hair, there sticks one bit out past, the laws fool in in dè minimum openings. Dè remove himself what most persistent dirt. With his impressive cleaning path on 42 cm saves it you valuable time. What genius part, as can turning 360 , makes what possible to do interest in one snake pattern, past, the laws what makes what possible lining mop to clean about different furniture. Package contains one bucket with one wringer past, the laws wheel, one profi micro duo mop head past, the laws one handle in 3 parts.Color: grønmateriale: plastic past, the laws polyesterskaftlængde: 140 cmtørrebredde: 42 cmkapacitet, bucket: 8 lsættet contains:1 x bucket with vriderindsats1 x profi micro duo-moppehoved1 x shaft in 3 parts
Brand: Leifheit
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.