Ellen Vaginal Ph Control 5 Tests only Kr. 99,00
Ellen Vaginal Ph Control 5 Tests

Ellen Vaginal Ph Control 5 Tests

Kr. 99,00
Expires Thursday 20th March at 23:59

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Product Information

One fast past, the laws easy self-test to to check it vaginal ph. One unbalanced ph can help to pelvic problems. With ellen vaginal ph control can you easy check it vaginal ph. Use it like after one antibiotic treatment, treatment of abdomen, if you suspect bacterial vaginosis, under pregnancy, by malodorous abdomen or fool you experience general irritation, itch past, the laws imbalance in abdomen.One acidic environment in abdomen is the prerequisite lining one good intimate hygiene. There is more causes to one changed ph, lining example sex, stress, menstruation or one antibiotic treatment.With ellen vaginal ph control can one early discover one possible imbalance in it vaginal ph. What is also one good made to learn his abdomen to know on past, the laws how one ph balance works.One abdomen bowl odors of abdomen, but if one f.Example. Have had pelvic problems, becomes some women uncertain on, about abdomen is in balance again past, the laws can be uncertain on their own underlivsduft. Underlivsduften can also vary under the menstrual cycle past, the laws need not to mean, to one have pelvic problems. Contains 5 tests with one instructions past, the laws gives answers after 10 seconds, painless.Medical udstyrvidste you, to . Imbalance in it vaginal ph can help to pelvic problems.One ph-balanced vagina means among another - to you avoid problems past, the laws decreases risk lining infections - to you avoid irritation past, the laws itch - to you avoid discomfort past, th...
Brand: Ellen
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