Clear blue advanced fertilitetsmonitor, refill with 20 fertility tests past, the laws 4 graviditetstests, individually packed. Graviditetstestsene can only used with clear blue advanced fertilitetsmonitor, as sold separate. Dè most women have use lining to use 10 teststicks per. Cycle. Women with irregular or long cycles can have use lining to use 20 teststicks.
Clear blue advanced fertilitetsmonitor included not have shown themselves to increase chance lining to be pregnant on natural some with 89 % 1 . It is designed to to identify avenue your fertile days, usually up to six, which is more days than traditional ægløsningsberegningssæt, there only painter lh. It handheld monitor is discreet past, the laws feminine past, the laws spores two important fertilitetshormoner: estrogen past, the laws luteinizing hormone. It shows your fertilitetsdata on one user touch screen past, the laws sum up information seedli up to six cycles on one simple sammenligningsskærm. Clear blue advanced fertilitetsmonitor included not is it only monitor, there also can used to to test, about you is pregnant. It is över 99 % reliable to to discover pregnancy seedli day, you waiting your menstruation. It calculates moreover,, when you can take test up to three days before you waiting your menstruation. By clinical evaluation of early graviditetsprøver gave clear blue advanced fertilitetsmonitor following results: 96 % of women got one pregnant - result one day earlier, 91 % two days earlier past, ...
Brand: Clearblue