Haute performance extension pack
Shampoo 200 ml
Conditioner 200 ml
Finishing serum 200 ml
Curl revive 200 ml
Conditioner distribution comb one comb to to benefits conditioner .
Coming in one soft toiletry of imitation leather.
Our products is suitable lining avenue ages hairtypes, which makes them ideal to extensionsbrugere, there often experience one other texture in extensionshåret than in their natural have.
Finishing serum gives one easier, silky effect, there is much suitable, if it blow dry in your own have, when it father hair to to feels past, the laws see thicker out. Extensionshår is however, often thicker past, the laws stronger, especially have seedli india or asia, past, the laws require therefore one heavier serum.
Curl revive is with his silky texture not only ideal to curls, but also to avenue types extensionshår past, the laws keratinbehandlet have. Both serums is it ultimate protection meet avenue environmental attack heat uv humidity farvefalming.
Tailor-made, allergenfri fragrance of white tea flower. Sulphate silicone parabenefri. Iles form haute performance extension pack
Brand: Iles Formula