Puree shine mouthwash contains one special combination of ingredients, among another pvp polyvinylpyrrolidone , there counteracts coatings plaque on teeth past, the laws keeps tooth surface clean. On it made help product with to preserve teeth natural white color. Puree shine mouthwash have one high flourindhold 0,2% naf as help with to remineralisere enamel past, the laws rodoverfladen, past, the laws counteracts both caries past, the laws decomposition of teeth. Mundskyllen have one good taste of spearmint, there gives fresh breath.
Recommended to adults past, the laws children över 12 year. Stored by room temperature past, the laws without lining children reach.
Used morning past, the laws evening after toothbrushing. Rinse teeth with 10 ml of solution in one half to one minute. Saliva out past, the laws sync not. Can with benefit also used after meals. Ekulf puree shine mouthwash 300 ml
Brand: EKULF