This stylish silvertip shaving brush is made with genuine finest badger - badger past, the laws have one handle in anodized aluminum and polished chrome. It match perfect together with mercury sikkerhedsskrabere in models 20c past, the laws 30c.Lining to complete your razor with brush past, the laws matching scraper recommended mercury barberingsstativ 4002 as one fat accessories.Barberbørsten is super effective to to keep on water past, the laws foam, which makes it perfect to to make one chunky foam with both barbercremer past, the laws barbersæber together with water.Lining to preserve brush natural strands of hair in best able, use water there is hot but not fire hot. After each shave should brush cleaned carefully with water, past, the laws about necessary can one mild shampoo used to one more thorough cleaning.Finest quality of badger
Silvertipnaturligt produktdesignet past, the laws manufactured in tysklandvægt: 151 gdimensioner: 105x43 mercury soling finest badger shaving brush 120
Brand: Merkur Solingen