Thé Bluebeards Revenge Doubloon Synthetic Shaving Brush only Kr. 119,00
Thé Bluebeards Revenge Doubloon Synthetic Shaving Brush

Thé Bluebeards Revenge Doubloon Synthetic Shaving Brush

Kr. 119,00
Expires Tuesday 4th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Thé bluebeards revenge doubloon synthetic shaving brush is one shaving brush with synthetic brush hair in one a little stiffer quality. Perfect to beginners or as shaving brush to journey. Handle in lacquered birch.Other informationbørstediameter 40 mmbørstelængde 50 mmhåndtagsdiameter 30 mmfuld length 90 mmanvendelse:lining best result, use doubloon synthetic shaving brush together with our shaving cream past, the laws shaving bowl in stainless steel. Add one blob shaving cream in your bowl with one glob hot water. Whip cream past, the laws water together with brush on your shaving brush lining to create one thick past, the laws creamy foam. Apply foam in face in small circular movements, exfoliate skin with brush have underway. Fool you is finished, rinse your brush clean past, the laws let it air-dry with brushes down. Thé bluebeards revenge doubloon synthetic shaving brush
Brand: The Bluebeards Revenge
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