Renzetti Pat Ehler S Bullethead Tool Large only Kr. 179,00
Renzetti Pat Ehler S Bullethead Tool Large

Renzetti Pat Ehler S Bullethead Tool Large

Kr. 179,00
Expires Saturday 8th March at 23:59

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Product Information

Renzetti pat ehler s bullethead tool
This smart little tool seedli renzetti udvilket of pat ehler is really thought through, past, the laws one tool as dè most missing, but not by found. This tool can pressed in över f.Example hjortehår or one hackle fool fly bowl finishes. Tool is developed especially to bullet head flies, but is also genius to larger dry flies past, the laws pike flies where one user hjortehår, bucktail past, the laws andré have materials.
14- 12
10- 6
4-1 0
See video including, how tool can used to to make perfect bullet heads:
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