Under tidigt 1800-tal tillverkade italienaren johann maria farina parfymen eau dè cologne as means water seedli cologne. Perfume became incredibly popular past, the laws is in day one of dè oldest perfumes, there still produced.Cologne retro is inspired of cologne past, the laws consists of refreshing citrus scents, sweet orange flower, neroli, petitgrain past, the laws musk.Ilum is one creation of mark, david past, the laws orla van it bergh. What is one exclusive collection of scented candles past, the laws duftspredere with custom scents, there presented in great porcelænsholdere with beautiful patterns.Each geometrically pattern have one history in family belgian family inheritance past, the laws is handmade in family study in ireland ago 1994.Burning: 110 hours
Brand: Max Benjamin
Shipping Cost: 59,00 kr.