Baby einstein drum & learn dean musical learning toy is one interactively, multisensory toy, there läder your baby discover colors, forms, music past, the laws instruments with each pressure.
In komponisttilstand can your baby put sounds together to music. In opdagertilstand teacher mockery colors, forms past, the laws instruments on four language: english, spanish, french past, the laws german.
Toy contains över 50 phrases, tunes past, the laws sounds, there encouraging to fine motor skills past, the laws understanding of cause past, the laws effect, fool baby pressing on deans main past, the laws buttons lining to trigger light, movements past, the laws sounds.
What have three sansebånd past, the laws two rynkeører to thanks to discovery past, the laws commitment.
Three aa batteries is included.
Toy can easy dried of past, the laws have volume control.
Malene is 23,67 x 12,7 x 21 cm.
Suitable to little children seedli 6 months past, the laws upwards.
Brand: Baby Einstein