Let your baby explore world under sea with opus s ocean of discovery vandlegemadras past, the laws baby einstein squid op.
Fill only middle of play mat with water past, the laws fill it outer edge up with air. Under seated play past, the laws lying on stomach can baby job on muscle development, while dè 6 floating sea creatures past, the laws forms moves themselves under surface.
Perfect to curious children in ages newborn past, the laws upwards
This fun activity introduces cause past, the laws effect, fool child touching by mat past, the laws looks undervandsdyrene swim.
Legemadrassen help to to engage past, the laws entertain babies past, the laws little children, while with to it encourages to development of grovmotoriske skills. Cleanup is easy
Empty it just lining water past, the laws air, dry mat of past, the laws fold it together to storage or trip.
Use it home or tag it with on adventure, sa your baby can discover what wonderful by water past, the laws sensory play, whatever where in is.
Brand: Baby Einstein