Aeromoov backing, anthracite 0-12 kg
Coating to avenue types of car seats or prams, consisting of our luftgennemtrængelige 3d-bikubestruktur, sa your child sweating much less in car or on one trip.
Aero sleep anti-transpiration layer match to avenue baby car seats past, the laws gives one pleasant siddemiljø on avenue seasons.
On because of ekstrabeskyttelsen seedli this autostolsovertræk becomes car seat or stroller in long time by with to be as new.
Specifikationerovertræk to avenue types of car seats
Consisting of our luftgennemtrængelige 3d-bikubestruktur, sa your child sweating much less in car or on one trip.
Aero sleep anti-transpiration layer match to avenue baby car seats past, the laws gives one pleasant siddemiljø on avenue seasons.
On because of ekstrabeskyttelsen seedli this autostolsovertræk becomes car seat or stroller in long time by with to be as new.
Brand: Aeromoov