Brystmælksopsamler in silicone seedli medela
This medela brystmælksopsamler in silicone is designed as one practical companion under breastfeeding past, the laws ensures, to no drops breast milk going lost. With his double, lækagesikre construction, strap past, the laws sucker protects medelas brystmælksopsamler in silicone each only valuable drop milk, sa your child can get what throughout it is easy to use
You bowl just fasten brystmælksopsamleren also known as one silikonebrystpumpe on what one breast, while you breastfeeding seedli what another. On it made prisoners you it natural nedløbsrefleks. What is important to note, to this collector to breast milk, not works as one breast pump, when it not have someone sugecyklus to to active remove milk seedli chest on one effective made. Medela s brystmælksopsamler in silicone is easy past, the laws notebook, sa it can out with everywhere past, the laws be your companion under breastfeeding. It is designed in one letvægtsstørrelse past, the laws can easy packed in bag, fool you is on move.
Lining to ensure stability is brystmælksopsamleren equipment with one sure squeegee, there can attached to flat surfaces. This prevents, to it overturns, fool it is located. Besides functionality is comfort also priority. Brysttragten past, the laws the body is manufactured of soft silicone, there feels comfortable meet skin.
Use past, the laws cleanliness of medela brystmælksopsamler is simple, when it consists of one piece. There is no ...
Brand: Medela