Crea Sense Swing only Kr. 369,00
Crea Sense Swing

Crea Sense Swing

Kr. 369,00
Expires Tuesday 18th March at 23:59

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Product Information

Sense of swing seedli crea
It black sense of swing seedli crea is one exciting past, the laws stimulating legetøjsoplevelse lining children. It is designed to to give children one feeling of floating past, the laws calm motion, while with to it promotes their motor skills past, the laws balance. With his black color adds it one stylish past, the laws modern aesthetics to any play area or room.
Product is made of durable past, the laws quality materials, there ensures security past, the laws sustained use. It solid frame past, the laws dè strong rope makes what possible lining children to swing confidently past, the laws stable. Sansegyngeens ergonomic design gives optimal comfort past, the laws support to children back past, the laws body, while dè enjoy shaky motion.
Sense of swing is suitable to both indoor past, the laws outdoor use. It can easy mounted in ceiling, one swing or one wood. It is also easy to unmount past, the laws store, fool it not is in use. With his adjustable length can sense of swing adapted to different heights past, the laws age groups.
It black sense of swing seedli crea offers one fun past, the laws sure play experience, there can help children with to develop their balance, motor skills past, the laws bodily awareness. It is perfect to both individual past, the laws social play, where children can enjoy it calming past, the laws fun motion together.
Note: what recommended to children seedli 0-3 year is under supervision seedli one adult....
Brand: Krea
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