The Bear Brody, Søvntræner - Blue only Kr. 499,00
The Bear Brody, Søvntræner - Blue

The Bear Brody, Søvntræner - Blue

Kr. 499,00
Expires Sunday 2nd February at 23:59

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Product Information

Sweet teddy bear, there is søvntræner, night light past, the laws music box in one. Brody teacher your child to understand difference medium night past, the laws day, lights up in darkness past, the laws player sounds. It sweet teddy bear brody help you past, the laws your child with to sleep well throughout night. Fool what is time to to sleep, can you use brody to to play lullabies, while mockery confidently rails with his calming light. In dè early morning hours works brody as søvncoach, past, the laws help your child by to switch color lining to show, when what is time to to steel up or if you bowl wait a little further . 
Sleep coach
One child have no feeling of time. Lining one little child begins day in what moment, dè opens their eyes, which can be right early past, the laws tiresome lining parents. One søvntræner teacher your child with simple farvepædagogik, when what is time to to sleep, past, the laws when what is ok to steel up. You sets time lining, when your child bowl sleep or wake, like one alarm clock.
Red means, to what is time to to sleep. If you pressing on brodys stomach in during of night, lights stomach red.
Orange means, to what almost is morning. 30 Minutes before what is time to to steel up, switches brodys light. Pressure on stomach past, the laws it lights orange. In dè last five minutes will brodys stomach bright of themselves himself lining to tell child, to there only is one couple minutes back.
Green light means, to what is morning, past, ...
Brand: ZAZU
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