Brother ciss refill enkeltfarve cyan 100 ml: high quality, economically past, the laws environmentally friendly
Introduction to brother ciss refill enkeltfarve cyan 100 ml, one high quality cartridge, there supplies excellent print quality, economically value past, the laws is environmentally friendly. This cartridge is compatible.
Product specifications
Patronmodel: brother ciss refill enkeltfarve cyan 100 ml
Color: cyan
Blækvolumen: 100 ml
Compatibility: compatible with one series brother printer models
Durability: long durability by correct storage
Main functions past, the laws benefits
This brother cartridge supplies outstanding print quality with clarity past, the laws intense color. It is economically, when it have one high page capacity, which reduces sideomkostningerne. It is also environmentally friendly, when it is recyclable. Moreover, is it easy to install past, the laws maintenance.
This cartridge is ideal to both home past, the laws office, and to professional print.
Further information
Lining further information about guarantee, customer support past, the laws returneringspolitik, switch please our customer service.
Purchase now lining to experience difference with brother s quality cartridges.
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Brand: Brother
Shipping Cost: 19,00 kr.