Puzzle beads: it perfect solution to restless hænderpuzzle beads is brilliant to development of children hand-eye coordination past, the laws intervene skills, and training of brain past, the laws increase it logiskte thinking.Can you get avenue balls to to fit together in colors what is severe than what straight looks out. In each side of this smart fidget puzzle, is there one round series with colorful bullets.In middle of fidget cube, can you choose which bullets you wishes to lead seedli it one side to it other. On it made can you challenge you himself past, the laws see where quickly you can get overall balls after color.This iq game works additional de-stressing, when what is one game you can immerse you in. What challenge you on it made you thinking.About puzzle beadsfarve: orangeanbefalet age: 3 årperfekt to to entertain children past, the laws adults in hours.Little past, the laws easy to have with in bag or pocket we have one lot more fidget toy in sleeve to you is you also quite silly with fun, entertaining past, the laws mask undefinable fidget toy go when to our category fidget toy here orange hard plastic ce mark random gadgets
Brand: Udviklingsleget¿j
Shipping Cost: 19,00 kr.