Apple Ipad Air 13'' M2 5g 256gb Space Gray only Kr. 14.790,00
Apple Ipad Air 13'' M2 5g 256gb Space Gray

Apple Ipad Air 13'' M2 5g 256gb Space Gray

Kr. 14.790,00
Expires Tuesday 4th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Apple ipad air m2 5g
See høydepunktene
- Nye ipad air is redesigned in two superbærbare sizes. Select mellom 11’’ past, the laws 13’’ both with praktfull liquid retina skjerm.
- Apple m2-chip. Incredible ytelse. Lynrask grafikk. Powerful ki kapasitet.
- Front camera in lying format. Refreshing new farger.
Wonderful avansert skjerm
It høyoppløselige liquid retina skjermen gir nytt life to everything you love a do. Uansett size provide skjermene lining one brilliant responsive opplevelse with presis fargegjengivelse.
Antirefleksbelegg past, the laws threaten tone doeth text sharp past, the laws lett a lese, uansett light. Past, the laws with høy brightness past, the laws great fargerom p3 coming avenue pictures to his rett. Technical sett quite spectacularly.
- 600 Nit maximum brightness on 13’’-model.
- Threaten tone doeth skjermen comfortable a see on.
- Hellaminert lining a cut emissions gjenskinn.
- Great fargerom p3 .
- Antirefleksbelegg lining bransjens lowest gjenskinn.
M2. Spenn deg fixed.
It furious kjappe m2-chipen gir ipad air banebrytende ytelse. With powerful cpu, gpu past, the laws neural engine is it almost 50 percentages healthier enn previous generation. Sp you single can planlegge oppussingsprosjektet in trimble sketchup, play grafikkintensive spill as zenless zone zero or bruke ki supported bevegelsessporing in onform lining a finpusse golfsvingen your. It is also incredible effective past, the laws provide lining to battery goods throughout day.
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Brand: Apple
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