Baby Einstein - Mine Friend Neptune see the best price
Baby Einstein - Mine Friend Neptune

Baby Einstein - Mine Friend Neptune

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Product Information

Seedli 0 year.
Mine friend neptune seedli baby einstein is one soft cuddly toys, there calms child senses past, the laws encouraging to play. Dè in everything seven pieces toy have unique textures, crackling sounds, contrasting colors past, the laws tactile items, there stimulates child sense of touch past, the laws hearing, and one perlelabyrint, there promotes fine motor skills. Dè contrasting colors on neptune shield promotes what visual commitment. Neptune soft plush and colorful design will fascinate child. With it included ring can neptune easy attached to car seat or pram.
Nb: no batteries required. Can dried of.
Brand: baby einstein
Material: plush fabric
Age: recommended seedli 0 year.
Number: 1 paragraph.

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